BWSW Structure
1. The British Water Ski & Wakeboard Federation Limited ("BWSW") is a company limited by guarantee.
2. The Advisory Council consists of representatives of the Disciplines appointed by democratic process. The Advisory Council's function is primarily to keep the Board informed of the views of the participants at a grass roots level and act as a “sounding board”.
3. There are no formal committees for Adaptive (Clare Ellis), Boat Owner & Recreational (James Timothy), The Regions and Wakesurf (Matt Crowhurst). Lead representatives are indicated in brackets where appointed.
4. The Disciplines and the Development function operate as committees or working groups of BWSW.
5. Friends of Tournament (FOT) and Friends of Wake (FOW) are Small Society Lotteries (non-commercial) registered with the Runnymede Borough Council Licensing Authority through The British Water Ski & Wakeboard Federation Limited. Their aim is to raise funds / donations to support the activities of the discipline concerned.
March 2025