Cable Wakeboard Team
The GB Cable Wakeboard Team has been competing on the International stage at major championships since 2001. They have so far achieved considerable success and continuation of this is of high importance to BWSW and the Cable Wakeboard Committee.
CLICK HERE to view the results and achievements of individuals and teams from past major competitions.
The GB Team is currently regarded as one of the most professional and successful wakeboard teams in the world. As such, the team selected to represent Great Britain by the Cable Committee will contain a balance of riders from all age categories (supported by the IWWF), that are committed to supporting an overall team performance rather than individual glory. The team will generally consist of riders who have the potential to medal at international competition. On occasion, riders showing considerable potential may be selected to gain exposure to international competition for the long term benefit of the Team.
The Cable Committee places huge emphasis on the attitude and behaviour of riders on/off the water and in/out of competition when selecting the GB Team. The GB Team is highly respected and regarded in the wakeboard community and Cable Committee believes that selected riders should uphold and reinforce this reputation at all times.
CLICK HERE to view the Cable Wakeboard Team selection policy