Cable Site

Cable Site Accreditation
Cable tow sites can join British Water Ski & Wakeboard as an accredited centre. All accredited cables have recieved a site visit covering checks on all aspects of a facility, staff qualifications and equipment. Accredited cable sites display our flag and Logo (Website), promoting the fact they have met and maintained our minimum standards of operation. This section outlines the requirements, obligation and benefits of accrediting in more detail.

New Forest


BWSW Accreditation –  adds a huge amount of credibility to your site. Potential customers will know you are operating to a certain standard and they can expect the facilities, the staffing, the health and safety, the management and the customer service to be of a good standard. 
Reduced membership rates for staff – your staff will benefit from cheaper membership rates over coaches and operators joining us directly as individuals.
Accreditation visit – an accreditation visit provides a site with a “health check” to provide an overview of the facility and its operation and can highlight positive points and help support with areas where there is room for improvement
Working with schools -  schools and local authorities regularily require an accreditation standard for a facility in order to meet their requirements for external outings and activities for school groups.
Access to funded programmes - BWSW receive funding in 5-yearly cycles from Sport England - affiliated facilities have the opportunity to participate in funded programmes.
Marketing & Promotion – an accreditation can assist an affiliate with promoting their services to new users and provide a standard of quality – all accredited facilities are able to use BWSW branding and can “fly the flag” as an accredited facility
Website entry - our website is the central point of information for all things cable tow related in the UK.  Each year the facilities section of our site receives thousands of visitors – potential members and new participants for your centre.
Development support – BWSW employs a small team of Development staff whose role it is to assist centres in their development. 
Resources – BWSW publish a number of documents and resources that contain a wealth of information for centres and members.
Facility Support  – the aim of BWSW is to improve the quantity and the quality of the cable facilities within Great Britain.


  •  Accreditation Fee and Agreement  all requirements and obligations of the accreditation are agreed to by payment of the accreditation fee
  • Accreditation checklist – this checklist outlines the documents that must be in place in order to achieve accredited status
  • Biennial site visit – a site visit (or check) is carried out every other year to assess the site and its facilities
  • Club Welfare Officer -  all accredited centres must have a Club Welfare Officer who is required to have a current Enhanced DBS check through BWSW (valid for 3 years) and must have attended a Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop (an online classroom or in person) - (evidence must be provided)


  • BWSW accreditation – sites must meet all the requirements of the BWSW accreditation in order to receive any of the benefits
  • Offer a quality service
  • Provide data  – BWSW will occasionally ask forcentres to share their participation data with them.
  • Run according to BWSW standards – sites must maintain the level of operation that was demonstrated in order to achieve BWSW Accreditation.

Related documents

  1. Accreditation Information Pack

    3 Oct 2024 / 567kb

    The Accreditation Information Pack provides information about the BWSW Accreditation scheme for commercial sites.