Affiliated clubs and accredited sites can access a variety of resources and materials to help them deliver the Cutting Edge programme. These include booklets, certificates, posters and wall planners. Clubs can order as many resources as they need for the season, in return we look forward to hearing who has achieved their Cutting Edge awards throughout the season.

All affiliated clubs can order resources for free using the online ‘Cutting Edge Order Form’.

There are prizes on offer for young skiers and riders who achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards;
Bronze – a bronze Cutting Edge wristband
Silver – a silver Cutting Edge wristband
Gold – a gold Cutting Edge wristband, BWSW bag, Cutting Edge t-shirt and a complimentary competition licence or membership
For Bronze prizes - email with the names and disciplines
For Silver prizes - email with the names and disciplines
For Gold prizes - complete the Cutting Edge Winner Form